Adopt-A-Kitchen holds cooking classes, workshops and demos in partnership at betterment programs.


Our mission is to reach low income individuals and show how to cook and source healthy, whole foods. Delicious, inexpensive, flavorfully diverse recipes empower to make better choices, and know they can demand healthier food options at their market—another strategy to close the gap on Food Deserts.


Adopt-A-Kitchen isn’t just cooking classes, it’s PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE. A recent Tufts Study shows prescribing vegetables and fruits can save BILLIONS in healthcare costs.

Our program explains not only how to make good tasting food, but explains how the benefit your health.


Two things that set us apart:

Adopt-A-Kitchen begins with PEOPLE. Sharing the knowledge peer-to-peer, as if you were sharing it with your friends, has shown to effectuate longer lasting change. We make sure that every person we meet has access to chef volunteers for any further questions about cooking, nutrition and inspiration.

We explain the WHY of eating more clean and diverse foods, and the positive results of removing as many toxic chemicals from your life as possible. We make it real, not complicated.

The underlying effect is the POWER OF CHOICE and MARKET DEMAND. The more you know what you can do, source and deserve, markets need to make those things available.


Adopt-A-Kitchen has changed my life for the better, thank you for educating me on the long term health benefits of eating organic fruits and vegetables…I am forever grateful for the knowledge and support!

-Cookie, from PATH Partners Gramercy interim housing for single mothers

Want to volunteer? Are you a nutritional chef/food educator? Adopt-A-Kitchen would love for you to join in on our grassroots program.


Email us to get involved! Adopt-A-Kitchen is also seeking funding in 2020 for expansion of their workshops, and online educational resources